Our Communion

About the CREC

Church of the King is a member-church of the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches (CREC), a growing body of local congregations spanning much of the world, including the United States, Canada, Japan, Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Central Europe, and Southern Asia. In terms of where we stand in relation to the historic Church, we adhere to the historic Christian Creeds and also affirm the evangelical tenets of Protestantism.

This means that according to the Constitution of the CREC (Art. X) each of our congregations must adopt into its statement of faith the Apostles’ Creed (2nd century), the Nicene Creed (381 AD), and the Definition of Chalcedon (451 AD). In addition to that, each congregation must adopt one or more of the approved Protestant Confessions including but not limited to the Westminster Confession, the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism, the Three Forms of Unity, and the Reformed Evangelical Confession.

In a day when churches and denominations are being challenged and attacked on many fronts, the CREC has a track record of rising to the occasion. In addition to our adherence to the general creeds and confessions of church history, we also adhere to a body of statements called memorials. Memorials state the position of the CREC on issues about which a confessional statement either has not been made or because of our particular cultural context, must be made in a clearer way.

In our Book of Memorials, we address topics such as creation, education, homosexuality, national idolatry and polytheism, women in the military, and more. If there is anything you need to know about the CREC it is that we are not silent and will not compromise on the cultural issues of the day. As one theologian put it, “We have all our cultural ‘guns’ pointed in the right direction.” For further reference, you can locate the Book of Memorials at our website, crechurches.org.

Church of the King is part of the Anselm Presbytery under Presiding Minister John Stoos. The Anselm Presbytery oversees churches in Alaska, California, Colorado, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia [Canada], Belarus, Bulgaria, Hungary, Japan, Poland, and Ukraine.